nge-mall di saat minggu ujian

Thursday, April 28, 2011 - Posted by Nurfitha Hasanah at 9:44 AM
kemarin aku ke TP ama temenku Merry
padahal besoknya (hari ini) ada 2 ujian..
tp gimana lagi.. aku harus observasi buat tugas yang dikumpulin hari ini.
mau ga mau yaa...

jadi ceritanya tugasku itu ttg analisis retail store..
dan aku milih ZARA.. hahhaa gaya yoo
yaappp! dan akhirnyaaa... aku observasi ZARA
foto dalemnya ZARA diem-diem.. haha
dan juga harus observasi fitting roomnya dooonggg
jadiiii aku ambil blazer buat dicoba
dan VOILA!
ZARA yellow shirt + ZARA brown blazer

ciamik soro kan yaa bajunya ZARA.
ah ! harganya juga ciamiikk.. huhuuuu
anyone yang mau bliin akyuu... yumaree
blazernyaa aja deh.. dalemannya ga perlu.. hahhaa
harganya CUMA 799rb kok. ahhhahaa

me with Merry

ahhhhhh.. sumpaa yaaa.. hari ittuuu bener2 nyolong2 kesempatan.
abis dr ZARA kita beli orenji.. jalan2 bentar.. trus pulang..
dan alhamdulillah tugasku slese tepat waktu. hihii
big thanks to my mates.. Merry Wulan . xoxo

long time no see! :)

Friday, April 22, 2011 - Posted by Nurfitha Hasanah at 4:40 AM
haaaaiiiiiii long time no see you!!

soooo.... how are you buddies? hhaha
me feels dizzy now *not important actually*

mmm... what should i write yaa
a lot of thing happened to me since i left you.

like i just passed the 5th semester of college thingy with good mark !! haha alhamdulillah
now i came into the the end of college thingy or whatever it is
one step closer into the "nightmare" of the colleger called SKRIPSI
hhhh... wish me luck to walk on this semester until the end ya!
